लठ्ठपणा ...वेळीच आटोक्यात आणा !!
डॉ. सौ युगंधरा मिसाळ
आजकालच्या धावपळीच्या आणि दैनंदिन ताण-तणावाच्या जीवनात आपण जसे मधुमेह ,उच्च रक्तदाब अशा विकारांना "लाईफस्टाईल डिसीज" म्हणून सामावून घेतले आहे, त्यातच आताशा लठ्ठपणाचा म्हणजे स्थूलते चा अंतर्भाव करावा लागेल. कारण गेल्या काही वर्षात लठ्ठपणाचे ( स्थूलतेचे) प्रमाण खूपच वाढलेले आढळून येते .आता तर फास्ट फूड, जंक फूड आणि सोबतच टीव्ही ,कॉम्प्युटर मुळे शरीराची खूप कमी प्रमाणात होणारी हालचाल यामुळे लहान मुलेही स्थूलतेला ते ला बळी पडताना दिसत आहेत.
शरीरातील चरबीचे प्रमाण आवश्यकतेपेक्षा जास्त वाढलेले असल्यास लठ्ठपणा म्हणजे स्थौल्य निर्माण होते. वैद्यकीय मानकांनुसार ,उंचीला अनुसरून वजनही प्रमाणात हवे. जेव्हा वजन प्रमाणापेक्षा जास्त वाढते तेव्हा शरीर बेढब तर दिसतेच परंतु वाढलेल्या चरबीमुळे शरीराच्या सर्व अवयवांवर दुष्परिणाम होतात .
वजनामुळे होणारे दुष्परिणाम .. गुडघेदुखी ,अंगदुखी, सांधेदुखी - त्यामुळे रोजची ऊठ-बस
ही त्रासदायक होऊ लागते .शारीरिक आणि मानसिक दौर्बल्य, थकवा येणे ,उत्साह कमी वाटणे इ. खूप भूक ,खूप तहान लागणे ,खूप घाम येणे ,मधुमेह ,उच्च रक्तदाब, पक्षाघात (लकवा) अकाली (लवकर) वार्धक्य (म्हातारपण) येणे ,त्वचारोग अगदी हृदयरोग ,कर्करोग (स्त्रियांमध्ये स्तनांचा ,गर्भाशयाचा तर पुरुषांमध्ये प्रोस्टेट , गुदाचा इ.),वैवाहिक सुखामध्ये कमतरता किंवा औदासिन्य अगदी वंध्यत्व ही.
यावर उपाय सोपा आहे.. वजन नियंत्रणात ठेवणे ! मात्र हे नियंत्रण तज्ज्ञांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखालीच हवे .ऐकीव माहितीवरून ,जाहिराती पाहून ,स्वतःच्या मनानेच वजन आटोक्यात आणणं तितकंसं प्रभावशाली होऊ शकत नाही कारण वाढलेले वजन कमी करताना प्रथमतः ते कशामुळे वाढले आहे हे तपासणे अत्यंत महत्त्वाचे आहे, त्यासाठी शरीरातील चरबीचे प्रमाण (तसेच अनुषंगिक व्याधी ),इतर तपासण्याही करणे गरजेचे असते. बॉडी मास इंडेक्स ,बेसल मेटॅबोलिक रेट , हिप वेस्ट रेशो, आवश्यकतेनुसार अंतस्त्रावी ग्रंथी यांची आणि इतर तपासणी या सर्व तपासण्यांच्या रिपोर्ट नुसार आणि स्थूल रुग्णाचे वय, चरबीचे प्रमाण आणि प्रकार, आहार-विहार व्यवसाय ,दैनंदिन सवयी, मानसिक स्थिती इत्यादी सर्व
गोष्टींचा सर्वंकष अभ्यास करून मगच औषधोपचार योजना बनविली जाते.
जीवन रेखा ओबेसिटी सोल्युशन्स द्वारे अशा रुग्णांचा सर्वांगीण अभ्यास करून एक विशिष्ट औषध प्रणाली विकसित केलेली आहे की ज्यायोगे पहिल्या 48 तासात वजन कमी होण्यास सुरुवात होते आणि पहिल्या सहा दिवसात दोन ते आठ किलो ग्रॅमपर्यंत वजन कमी होते. साधारणतः दहा किलो वजन कमी करण्यास अडीच ते तीन महिने तर 20 किलो साठी सहा ते सात महिन्यांचा कालावधी लागतो. ही चिकित्सा फक्त वाढलेली चरबी कमी करते असे नव्हे तर चरबी निर्माण होणाऱ्या कारणांवर ही कार्य करते.
रुग्णांना आहाराबद्दल सखोल मार्गदर्शन करून उपाशी न ठेवता ,काय खायचे याची माहिती दिली जाते .खूप व्यायामाची ही गरज पडत नाही .क्रीम्स ,मसाज ऑइल मुळे त्वचेवर दिसून येणाऱ्या दुष्परिणामांवर ही नियंत्रण आणता येते. त्वचेखालील चरबी कमी होऊन त्वचा नितळ आणि चमकदार होते, व्यक्तिमत्वही प्रभावी होते !
ही चिकित्सा कोणत्याही वयातील व्यक्तीला तसेच संधिवात, मधुमेह, हृदयरोग ,त्वचा विकार इत्यादी व्याधीग्रस्तांनाही घेता येते.
लठ्ठपणा कमी करून शरीर फक्त सुडौल आणि निरोगीच नव्हे तर नितळ आणि स्वस्तही बनवूया फक्त शरीरातच नव्हे तर रोजच्या जीवनातही एक नवा ताजेपणा एक नवा उत्साह आणू या..
One of the first principles participants learn is that weight loss is not the cure for obesity.Effective lifetime weight management requires absorbing new concepts of nutrition, activity and conflict-resolution, then utilizing a new battery of problem-solving skills to implement and shape new behaviors.
Because most commercial diet centers only focus on the diet, they provide some combination of products special foods, supplements, lectures and so on. Few, if any, actually offer a program that identifies and changes the behaviors that contribute to your being overweight in the first place. Our programs, will help you overcome the avoidance and denial that have made and kept you overweight. While you re losing weight you will receive professional help and be held accountable for your actions. Clinical studies have shown that accountability and behavioral counseling are effective tools in weight loss and they are the cornerstone of Dr.Misal Dental and Ayurved Center program.
Our Programs are designed to treat every individual with varied systemic problems like Diabetes,Heart Problems,Harmonal Problems,DCOD & So on
About obesity center
Mode of action of the
treatment:- This treatment is totally a diet controlled based treatment
which is strictly based on Ayurved concepts of diet. The first six
days treatment imparts a very strong antioxidant activity which is
induced by curcumin and sesamol .
More, the lipid peroxidation in the patient more the weight loss with in first six days.
Treatments after six days: This different comprises of different
formulations as per the necessity of the patients. The formulations are
totally herbal with vacuum distilled extracts. The formulations are
totally standardized and are completely devoid of metals. These
formulations exerts number of activity like sensitization of insulin
receptors, regulation of leptin, regulation of cholecystokinin ,
stabilization of hunger and satiety center at the hypothalamus levels,
regulation of LH in patients of PCOD and regulation of thyroid
hormones . Apart from these activities immuno modulation,
antioxidant activity is achieved. These medicines are also known to
normalize and regulate Cholesterol and triglyceride levels with
imparting unwanted effects.
This anti obesity treatments has helped to reduce
maximum 59 kg weight in a time span of six months. On an average first
10 kg weight is reduced with in two and half month. To reduce twenty kg
weight it may take 5-6 months and so on.
This management has saved number of joint
replacement in the patient of obesity induced arthritis and number
cardiac interventions due to obesity. Apart from these results patients
are known to develop self confidence and feeling of well being.
The most important aspect of this treatment is that
patients are educated along with treatment about the dietary programs,
compensation of diet and exercise. This helps to maintain their weight
and fitness through out the life.
One thing for obese person is nothing works like
diet controls which is to followed for a life time period. Every type
of food is allowed but in limits. Limits will be designed by us as per
condition of the patients.
Effect of herbal formulation on Obesity. | Top ^ |
Obesity has increased
at an alarming rate through out the world and is now a universal
public health problem . It is often associated with insulin resistance,
dyslipidemia, and hypertension; thus, the concept of the metabolic
syndrome has been proposed . Obesity is considered a long-term complex
disease. Many factors are involved in determining why some people are
heavier than others and how much risk they have for developing other
medical problems. In Charak samhita Ashtunindit adhaya of sutra
sthan has mentioned about obesity pathology, symptoms, complications
and prognosis of obesity. Herbs which can be used and the procedures to
be done in obese persons are well mentioned in Charak samhita..
Asthanga sangraha also elaborated the pathology in obesity and gives
more importance to Agni in obesity.
As per the Ayurvedic literature available excess of fatty diet, diet having Madhura rasa like milk and milk products, sugars , abhishayandi ahar
and lack of exercise , day time sleep are the main causes of obesity.
Apart from these causes, many more causes have been elaborated by
modern science which are to be considered while managing obesity by
Ayurvedic means.
The most important causes are insulin resistance,
hypothyroidism, PCOD, etc. Excess of lipid peroxidation also plays as
an important risk factor in obesity. All these factors
collectively or singly causes obesity . Thus obesity can be
said as complex disorder , where causes is to found and must be
managed like wise.
In modern medicines drugs like amphetamine, oristat
, metformin are used which do not show promising results and also
induce unwanted effects. Ayurveda has elaborated lekhaneeya gana in
Charak sutra sthan chaper 4. The medicines mentioned in this group are
used for weight reduction in different form which show promising
results.The most important thing to be noted is that the drugs mention
in lekhaniya gana do not have similar mode of action. They exert anti
obesity activity by different mode of action. So while selection of the
drugs cause of obesity must be diagnosed and then drug must be
selected. Asthanga hrudaya has mentioned the use of Sesame oil
for obesity. The unique property of sesame oil mentioned by charka is,
sesame oil makes fat person thin and thin person fat. Much work
has been carried by our center on this aspect.
Thus, in the management of obesity it is important
to consider all the causative factors regarding this disorder. Thus a
formulation having potent antioxidant activity, strong insulin
sensitizers, herbs having thermogenic activity , antilipidimic activity
is useful to keep obesity under control. It has been seen by some of
the workers that depression also causes obesity.. In this context
the formulation which work on neuropeptide is to be used.
This weight controlled
program was started in 1996 . Up till date 9000 patients have under
gone this program and found better results which are tabulated below.
Ayurvedic herbs are selected and given for the patients from 5yrs to 65yrs of age with or with complications of obesity.
Diagnosis is done on the basis of BMI , body fat content, Hip and waist
ratio, and weight of the patients. Counseling was done for every
patient for maintenance of diet controls. 72 weeks follow up after
completion of treatment is advised.
Blood biochemistry and hormonal estimation like lipid profile, ESR,
Sr.insulin, Thyroid function test and apolipoproteins is conducted
for suspected patients.
Before starting the treatment a record chart of
weight , blood pressure , BMI, Body fat % , Body Fat Mass , Abd Gerth,
hip waist ration , FBS and PMBS is given to patient. Body fat % is
measured by Bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA): In this method. A
harmless amount of electrical current is sent through the body, and
then percentage of body fat is calculated. It involves electrodes that
are typically placed on a wrist and an ankle, and on the back of the
right hand and on the top of the foot. Change in voltage between
electrodes is measured. The person's body fat percentage is then
calculated from the results of the BIA
The raw material which is used is totally standardized for every batch.
Powders and vacuum distilled extracts are subjected to granules and
tablets are prepared.
Hydro oxylation procedure is done over sesame oil to
increase the sesamol percentage in sesame oil. Treatment is divided in
two parts. First six days and after six days treatment.
First Six days treatment. | Top^ |
For first six days the processed
sesame oil is administered to the patients in fixed dosage irrespective
of age, sex and cause of obesity . The patient s are asked to come on
3rd and 6th day for follow up . On the days of follow up weight ,
Blood pressure and A girth is measured. Out station patients can
check their weight on their scale. It is important to keep a follow up
on same scale only.
After six days patients are subjected to various formulations in
specified doses before meals with luke warm water until the
patents achieve the target weight loss.
A particular diet is advised to the patients before and after six days.
After six days treatment patients is called every fifteen days and
one month. In these follow up Fat % , Fat mass , H.W Ration , Blood
pressure and weight was measured and recorded in the record chart of
patient. Blood parameters are also recorded for the selected patients.
The instruments used for total study are
Bio chemistry analyzer Erba bio chem. -5 ( Transasia)
Eliza reader (Lilac make)
Chemiluminosence ( Radio immuno assay) Monobind USA
Fat monitor ( Omran make) HBF -300
Standard weighing scale
Measuring tape.
Instruments used for drug standardization
Uv Vis double beam Spectrophotometer Jasco make
Flame photo meter Elico make
Chemical analysis like Acid value, Sap value For oil preparation
Results and up till date summary of the treatment is given in table given below. | Top^ |
The treatment is
designed by using medicines along with calorie restriction. It has
been seen by some workers that therapeutic calorie restriction reduces
the aging effect on the body. This was seen at our center by a clinical
trail on Argeriya speciosa and analyzing di hydro epi endosteron with
some dietary controls.
The first six days diet is a high fat , low
carbohydrate and low proteins diet which is called as ketogenic diet.
This may induced mild ketosis which burns the fats as fuel for brain.
This treatment consists of specially processed sesame oil
which consists very high % of sesamol which is potent anti oxidant ,
and may increase all the three endogenous anti oxidant like GPX, CAT
and SOD at a same given period. It has been seen that the action of
this processed sesame oil is very specific that it may not reduce any
after 6 days. Thus, we claim that processed sesame oil may be working
on only oxidized fats which are present on the body. This will reduce
the risk of lipid peroxidation which leads to further metabolic disorder
like microangiopathy , aconthosis nigricans, hypertension, diabetes
and insulin resistance. This treatment is also useful in obesity
induced other disorders like arthritis, coronary diseases, diabetes ,
hyper cholesterol and high lipid levels where lipid per oxidation
plays a important role.
After six days herbal tablets are advocated to the patients in a
specified dose. . This is a herbal blend having herbs which exert
diverse mode of actions. After six days treatment high protein, low
carbohydrate and low fat diet is recommended for the patients as per
the WHO guidelines. More focus is given on fat, sugar, milk and non veg
consumption. Fruits are totally stopped as fructose is known to
stimulate hormone ghrelin which is known to stimulate appetite.
Substances which are categorized in Abhishyandi group by Ayurved are totally restricted. Vidhur anna like sprouts are also restricted during the treatment. ( 16)
The formulation exerts varied mode of action like
Potent antioxidant, insulin sentisizer, anti
inflammatory which reduces pre inflammatory cytokines like interlukines
which are raised in obesity. It is also known to reduce ultra sensitive
CRP levels.
Regulates fat metabolism and is seen to stimulate satiety center at a hypothalamus level.
Formulation contains phytochemicals like berberin
apotent alkaloid which is having immuno modulatory and anti
inflammatory property.
Induces thermo genesis and some of the herbs in the formulation are
known bio availability enhancer which increases the rate of absorption
of other herbs in the formulation.
Some herbs are known to inhibit NF kappa B and TNF alpha which are raised in obesity.
The formulation contains low molecular wt . tannins which is
known to regulate fat metabolism . Tannins are also known to regulate
intestinal hormones like cholecystokinine which plays an
important role in obesity. Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a polypeptide
hormone, widely distributed in the gastrointestinal tract and nervous
system (both peripheral and central); it plays a major role in the
digestive process. CCK also occurs in the brain, where it acts as a
neurotransmitter and neuromodulator. CCK exists as several different
molecular species: CCK-58, CCK-39, CCK-33, CCK-8, and CCK-4. The
octapeptide CCK-8, for example, predominates in the brain. Also, there
are at least two types of CCK receptors .
Over the past 10-15 years, there has been much activity in the
development of potent and selective CCK agonists and antagonists
because these agents may lead to novel therapy for the treatment of
disorders such as gastrointestinal disturbances, pancreatitis, gastric
and pancreatic carcinomas, obesity, and cognition dysfunction, in which
CCK has been implicated. Several such molecules are under active
development. There are also satiety agents, fashioned after CCK, which
may fight obesity.
Many a times, in
weight reduction programs lean body mass decreases which lead to loss
of muscle mass. Some herbs in the formulations are known to increase the
lean body mass and hence restores the muscular strength of patients
who are on weight reduction programs .The herbs stimulate the
synthesis of cyclic AMP, which among other outcomes, triggers the
release of fat from fat cells and speeds up metabolism by increasing
thermogenesis (the rate at which the body burns calories at rest,
emitting it as heat to the environment.) It is able to increase the
release of stored fats, elevate metabolism and increase lean mass by
increasing the synthesis of cyclic AMP, without stimulating the central
nervous system.
It has been seen that the above formulation has a
multi dimensional effect on the pathology of obesity. It might be
exerting its effect on the fat derived peptides like leptin, ghrelin ,
metabolic hormones like TSH, and insulin and intestinal hormones like
cholecystokinin. The herbal formulation also works as an immuno
modulator and antioxidant which are most important effects in the
management of obesity.
As obesity is a multi factorial disorder it is very important to rule out the under laying cause of obesity . Management must be designed in such a manner which will target the main cause and exert regulatory effects on fat and lipid metabolism , hormones concerned with obesity and maintain the lean body mass of the patient . In this study is has been seen that a significant weight loss can be achieved in a bigger group of patients with a pure Ayurvedic management.
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